Last night I went to one of my dream concerts: The Cure.
I'd like to share with you some thoughts, but also some videos and some pictures, so if you missed it, here´s a little bit of it.
Robert Smith consecrated as a legend last night. His sureal domain of music and audience are the most admireable qualities that this artist has. He´s been able to hold The Cure together for decades and the sound as well as the show was timeless, not only because some songs had the essence that could bring me back to the early videos, and with that I mean all the feeling that I could recieve from this music when I was 13 years old, but also because that concept and that feeling is still alive and felt more contemporary than ever.
I'm not going to review the show, I just want to share some thoughts.
The combination of the bass player with his punk style, the guitar player that looket as if he'd just come out of a Miller comic, the drum player as an hybrid pop 80's star and singer and guitarist, the tender freak Robert Smith, was the perfect blend for a 50 song set list that returned me to my primitive feelings and thoughts. Pure human sensibility that lasted for ever and that ended with the pop encore, the retro encore and the real encore:Killing an Arab.
I just want to say that to me,in a very special way, real artists consecrate themselves as my philosophers so here are some of The Cure's teachings.
I wish my videos where a little shorter and had less definition so I could share the ones I taped, but as I've been trying to upload them for a week and they're very heavy, here are some youtube videos I found for you.